"An entrepreneur worthy of the name": for Diepensteyn, this also means taking on a responsible role in society. This commitment is much more than just a financial exercise. Diepensteyn wants to pave the way for structural solutions and have a lasting impact in the long term. It opts for projects that reflect the passions, concerns, life experience and vision of the founders.


‘GavoorGeluk’ Fund

Two entrepreneurs, two fathers, two children who passed away. The ‘GavoorGeluk’ Fund was founded by Jan Toye and Marc vande Gucht to do for others what they can no longer do for their own children: create a warm society that considers each other's vulnerability and prevents suicide from becoming an escape route. 


  • The GavoorGeluk Fund is committed to the universal prevention of depression and suicide in young people. 

  • The Fund is dedicated to bringing about a positive change of attitude with regard to sharing emotions and vulnerability, and breaking taboos regarding mental non-well-being.

  • The Fund focuses on general awareness and is a catalyst for the development of new, good practices that promote resilience and for ensuring existing ones are based on evidence. 

Alfred Van Roy Fund

The Alfred Van Roy Fund was set up in honour and remembrance of Alfred Van Roy, a former mayor of Steenhuffel and an honorary citizen of Londerzeel. For a long time, Alfred Van Roy was the inspiration behind Brouwerij PALM and put the brewery on the national map. He passed away on 23 January 2009 at the age of 95. 

Through this fund, Diepensteyn and Palm (now Royal Swinkels Family Brewers) make an annual contribution to youth associations and initiatives working for the benefit of young people in Londerzeel.


Habbekrats is a colourful youth organisation that works all over the country to provide children and young adults from the age of 8 to 18 with warmth, friendship, adventure and assistance. Habbekrats says that the young people they help are "doing well" – and they mean it. The proof: Habbekrats has furnished 11 warm, comfortable homes that welcome a total of 2,500 children and young adults each year. 

Diepensteyn has been a patron of Habbekrats since 2014 and provides one of the 11 warm, comfortable homes offered by this association.

Impact Investments

African Drive

African Drive offers intercity transport for low prices, with fixed travel times and a premium experience for customers. Its first initiative was the Baobab Express in Benin (2014), where a team of 120 local employees works each day to bring around 600 passengers to their destination. In addition to financial results, the focus is on economic progress and creating rural prosperity. To achieve these goals, African Drive actively works to meet many of the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations. 

Diepensteyn has been a co-shareholder of African Drive since 2018.


Solergie (formerly Energy Kiosks) installs smart solar systems in West Africa to provide access to affordable, sustainable energy to people living in villages without electricity. This creates rural micro-economies.

Diepensteyn has been a co-shareholder of Solergie since 2018.

Think Tanks


Itinera is a think tank that examines major social issues with the utmost objectivity and total independence in order to improve government policy.

Itinera has closely followed developments in Belgian society since 2006. It focuses on:

  • The creation of prosperity: growth, entrepreneurship, enterprises

  • Good governance: government, fiscal matters and budget

  • Democratic inclusion: education, work, protection and integration of migrants


Etion stands for an integrated view on value-based entrepreneurship, with personal leadership, the organisation and society all being closely interlinked.  Etion gives decision-makers more insight into ethical conduct while paving the way for the long-term success of the company. 

Within Etion, a separate department has been set up as a think tank. There are three aspects to the think tank's role:

  • Developing knowledge 

  • Sharing knowledge

  • Promoting social debate