Four values form the basis for Diepensteyn's identity and guide its activities: it is enterprising, sustainable, principled and engaged.


"An entrepreneur worthy of the name": this is the motto of founder Alfred Van Roy and his successor Jan Toye. They used entrepreneurship as the basis for creating value for their shareholders and increasing prosperity for the community with which they identified. The assets are the product of entrepreneurship and – in keeping with their predecessors – must be used in an entrepreneurial way, as this creates prosperity for both the shareholders and society alike. This calls for perspective and commitment over the long term.


The assets are used for socially relevant means. Sustainability means consciously avoiding the exploitation of people and nature based on the fact that everything is closely interconnected. This lends sustainability an ethical dimension: a balance between the purely economic dimension and the socio-ecological dimensions.


  • We take the interests of all stakeholders into account.

  • We are able to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, and act consistently on this basis, even if it is at our own expense.

  • We believe in transparent communication.

Family members, directors, managers and employees treat each other and all business partners with respect and integrity. They expect the same conduct from those with whom they work and do business.


This commitment carries over into the close involvement in investments. Both the family and the management can identify with the shareholdings. Where necessary, the management is also prepared to take on an active role in the administrative bodies and/or advisory committees.